Stay Safe! Event Planning Risk Management Tips For Your Next Event

John Whitney IV is the CEO of Emergency Concierge International, a company focused on emergency preparedness. We are living in a brave new world, and when you are in the business of bringing people together for meetings, conferences, and events, it is critical that we are always thinking about safety and security.

“Far too often those in the meetings and events industry take emergency planning for granted,” says John Whitney, Emergency Preparedness Expert.  “They assume that the hotel, venue or DMC has it covered.  That is not the case.  Ensuring the safety of your attendees and the reputation of your organization should be a responsibility that you take wholeheartedly.”

Here are a few tips John offers to keep top of mind when attending your next meeting or event.  If you need help creating customized emergency operations plans or need on-site emergency management, contact us for more information.

Maintain Situational Awareness

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Keep an eye out for items or people that look out of place.
  • If you see something, say something.
  • Locate the nearest Exits everywhere you go (at least two, primary and secondary).

Use the Buddy System

  • Travel in pairs.
  • If not in pairs;
    • Let each other know where you are going and when you get there (especially at night).

Confirm your rideshare driver’s accuracy

  • Name
  • License Plate
  • Vehicle make & model

Stay hydrated

  • Watch for signs of dehydration
    • Lightheadedness
    • Nausea
    • Cramping
    • Excessive sweating (or not sweating at all in extreme cases)
    • Rapid, weak pulse

Commit to a “Warrior Mindset” – People laugh about this but it makes a huge difference!

  • In an emergency, don’t wait for someone to instruct you.
  • Be prepared to react immediately.
  • Commit to survive!

If you’re at #CONNECTMP and need Medical Assistance, please access our Medical Plan for the event, which provides the nearest hospital, urgent care, pharmacy, etc.

Text “SAFE” to 345345 to receive “5 Life Saving Tips You Must Use In An Emergency

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