Category Archives: Opportunities

Why Attend HPN Global Conference 2019?

Thank you for your interest! Here are a few reasons why you should attend #HPN19 in Seattle! You’ll be able to create lasting relationships with 125 of HPN Global’s associates. These associates represent over 7,000 clients, and if 2019 are projected to send over 13,000 RFP’s representing over $400,000,000 in rooms revenue. With a client […]

HPN Global Job Opportunity

So, it’s been just under a month since my “not-so-voluntary” departure from Hyatt. Here is a quick update on the many important questions you’ve all had:  1. Yes, I was lucky enough to keep the 50lb printer built in 2005. Phew. In related news, printers built in 2005 are worth about $0.  2. All joint-custody paperclips […]

HPN Global President’s Club Winners

HPN Global’s President’s Club consists of the top 10 producers for the year.  Each member of this club is awarded an all expense trip to a cool destination somewhere in the world.   Winner Winner Chicken Dinner !! Well actually not actually a “chicken dinner” but an all-expense paid trip for 2 for 5 days […]

HPN Global Partners Conference Sponsorship Oppoortunity

There are three ways to advertise on the HPN Global Partners Conference Mobile Application. Deadline August 19, 2013. Marquis Sponsorship – $4,000 This option will be designed to showcase your brand each time an attendee opens the app. Last year we had huge adoption and engagement in the app with more than 80% of the […]

HPN Health & Wellness Challenge

Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living being. In humans, it is the general condition of a person’s mind, body and spirit. Wellness is generally used to mean a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being. In today’s world striking the perfect balance between your top priorities can […]

HPN Global Celebrates 10 Years and 25,000th RFP

HPN Global Celebrates 10 Years and 25,000th RFP by Giving Away 250,000 Marriott Reward Points Scottsdale, Ariz.(June 13, 2012)…Hospitality Performance Network Global (HPNG), the world’s most global site selection and meeting procurement company, will celebrate its 10th Anniversary and 25,000th RFP this summer.  To celebrate these significant milestones, HPNG has partnered with Marriott International and plans to give away […]