Category Archives: News

HPN Global Announces 2018 Partners Conference Location

Just as we are getting all fired up for #HPN17 in San Fran later this year BK announces on Facebook that #HPN18 is headed to South Beach! Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better after Mexico for #HPN16, we bring in San Francisco and then Miami. Need information about #HPN17 in San Francisco? […]

Congratulations, Tulcy!

The winner of our most recent HPN Breakthrough Award is Tulcy Jones! Tulcy has done an amazing job running our Business Development team for over 10 years, while working on transitioning to Associate. She has done an incredible job balancing these two tasks. She’s been amazing at maintaining a positive and patient attitude, and is seeing great [...]

HPN Global Job Opportunity

So, it’s been just under a month since my “not-so-voluntary” departure from Hyatt. Here is a quick update on the many important questions you’ve all had:  1. Yes, I was lucky enough to keep the 50lb printer built in 2005. Phew. In related news, printers built in 2005 are worth about $0.  2. All joint-custody paperclips […]

HPN Global 2016 President’s Club Winners

Here are the 2016 HPN Global President's club winners. These outstanding individuals are rewarded with an all expense paid trip for 2 to the fantastic Unico resort in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico to commend their excellent efforts of the past year. So, without further adieu... HPN Global 2016 President's Club Winners Casey Kruer Amy Walkowiak [...]

HPN Global – Partners of the Year Award

Each year we announce our “Partners of the Year” during our annual conference. In case you were unable to make the Conference last week, we have included the full list of winners below: Small Mid-Size Meetings Partner of the Year: Carmen Cruz; Marriott International Large Size Meetings Partner of the Year: Harold Batiste; Marriott International […]