Author Archives: Desi Whitney

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Medical Contingency Plan

Emergency Concierge International

Here’s the COVID-19 Medical Contingency Plan developed as a joint collaboration between HPN Global & Emergency Concierge International. Feel free to share with anyone you see fit. We developed this as a resource for the industry. A reminder of what ECI does: Customized Meeting Emergency Operations Plans (including Crisis Communication Plans) Customized Venue Emergency Plans […]

HPN Global Helping Seattle Families on Their Journey out of Homelessness at #HPN19

HPN Global is all about relationships and helping give back to communities. We are proud to partner with Mary’s Place as part of our #HPN19 Global Partner Conference in Seattle, WA, by collecting donations to help families who have lost everything. Mary’s Place gives these families shelter, helps with housing, employment and schooling, provides basic […]

Why Attend HPN Global Conference 2019?

Thank you for your interest! Here are a few reasons why you should attend #HPN19 in Seattle! You’ll be able to create lasting relationships with 125 of HPN Global’s associates. These associates represent over 7,000 clients, and if 2019 are projected to send over 13,000 RFP’s representing over $400,000,000 in rooms revenue. With a client […]